About OC Bus Tracker
OC Bus Tracker is a mobile web app that allows Ottawa transit goers to view accurate arrival times based on onboard bus GPS coordinates
and leverages the City of Ottawa's information.
OC Bus Tracker's success is routed in 4 basic principles:

Free is good
OC Bus Tracker is available free to the community

Work on any device
Apple, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, Desktop ++

No Download Required
Full functionality without the need to install anything

Design for the user
A fluid design makes for a more enjoyable user experience
Designed to communicate and connect the community in real time.
Bus tracker offers a unique feature that allows businesses locally and national to speak to their audience and future consumers.
Ask us how our mobile app can create that buzz you're looking for.
What users are saying
Below are a few examples of the kind words from OC Bus Tracker users:
"Love your app - so much better than the OC Transpo one. Thanks!" - Richard
"Just wanted to say I've been using this app/site (www.OCBusTracker.com) ever since it
was mentioned on Reddit. It's been a load of help with getting to bus stops on time
and I much prefer it to the official OC bus tracker app. Keep up the great work!
Again, I use this everyday so thank you!" - Jennifer
"Great web app, I especially appreciate being able to see where the bus is on the
map." - Denny
"I have been using the OC text message solution as well, and I find OC Bus Tracker
more reliable and more accurate." - Thomas
"[my son] has significant learning disabilities but with a bit of practice, he has
learned how to use your app and it’s invaluable in getting him around town. I suspect
he’s quite the show-off telling other folks their wait times." - Andrea
What's next?
We are expanding our mobile footprint
We're continuing our global expansion and getting the word out about our mobile app service and what it does for public time management.
What started off as a simple web app for Ottawa residents has now begun to travel and we are always improving functionality for our audience
and businesses that use our platform to build their business' foot print locally and nationally.
We are growing across the Canadian and US markets offering our real-time data transit information to end users and businesses alike.
Look for us soon in Winnipeg, Laval, San Francisco, Chicago, New York and Los Angeles.
Business and Benefits
Visit our Statistics page and see for yourself based on where your business is located or your competitors are.
Is there a business opportunity for you to gain more awareness? If so, Contact Us and we'd be happy to see how you too could benefit from the
local, cost effective, customer engagement our product offers.